The following are options related specifically to WYSE emulation:

Auto Scroll

When the cursor moves past the last line of the page, the data scrolls up one line if this option is enabled. Otherwise, it returns to the top of the same page.

Bell Sound

When enabled (default), host bell will be played as defined by the Windows system sound Default Beep.

End-of-line Wrap

When additional characters are entered at the end of a line, the cursor wraps to the start of the next line when this option is enabled. Otherwise, characters at the cursor position are replaced.

Received CR

When the emulator receives an ASCII CR, the cursor moves to the beginning of the next line if this option is enabled. Otherwise, it moves to the beginning of the current line.

Send ACK

After executing certain commands, the emulator sends an ASCII ACK character to the host if this is enabled. Otherwise, no acknowledgment is sent.

Send Answerback

Determines if the answerback message is sent or not.


Specify the desired answerback message.

Block End

When the emulator sends a block of data to the host, the (US/CR) line terminator is an ASCII US character, block terminator is an ASCII CR character, (CRLF/ETX) line terminators are ASCII CR and LF characters, the block terminator is an ASCII ETX character.

Display Settings

These are settings related to the terminal display:


Display attributes are: (Character) assigned to each character as it is entered, (Line) active to the end of the line, (Page) active to the end of the page.


Sets the number of columns to display.


Sets the number of lines to display. Label line is only available for 24 or 42 lines.

Light Background

Enable to have dark characters on a light background.

Status Line

The screen displays: (Standard) a status line with cursor line and column indicators, (Extended) a status line with editing status messages, (None) no status line.

Keyboard Settings

These are settings related to the keyboard:

Caps Lock

When Caps Lock is engaged, (Caps) alphabetic keys generate only uppercase characters, (Reverse) the action of Shift is reversed - shifted alphabetic keys generate lowercase characters, unshifted keys generate uppercase characters.

Enter Key

The Enter Key can be set to CR (Carriage Return) or CRLF (Carriage Return and Line Feed.)

Return Key

The Return Key can be set to CR (Carriage Return) or CRLF (Carriage Return and Line Feed.)

Key Repeat

When held down for more than half a second, the keys repeat when this option is enabled.