Allows the user to capture screen history for the active Flex Terminal Emulator session. Recording and playback of recorded screens is for IBM Z (TN3270) and IBM System i (TN5250) sessions only, as they are screen based, where other emulation types are character based.

Use the following toolbar buttons to manage screen recording:


Toggles screen recording on or off for the active session. When recording is enabled, the word "Recording" followed by the session name will be displayed on the title bar and the toolbar button will be highlighted.


Toggles displaying of recorded screens on or off for the active session. When play is enabled, the words "Displaying on" followed by the session name will be displayed on the title bar and the toolbar button will be highlighted.


Opens a saved Flex Screen History file (*.ash) and displays in the current session with a light background to differentiate from a live screen.


Prompts the user to provide a file name to save the current set of recorded screens to. By default these are saved to the Traces sub-folder of the user's Flex Terminal Emulator user data directory.

Previous Screen

During playback, moves to the previous screen in the screen history. The up arrow on the keyboard or mouse click may also be used for this function.

Next Screen

During playback, moves to the next screen in the screen history. The down arrow on the keyboard or mouse click may also be used for this function.

Return to Live Screen

Press this button to return from any recorded screen to the live host screen.

Delete All

Clears all recorded screens from the screen history and warns the user if unsaved.