Below is a list of host keys that Flex Terminal Emulator supports for VT terminal emulation:

Alt Cursor
The Alternate Cursor key toggles the cursor between block and underline modes.

The Answerback key sends an automatic message to the host.

Back Tab
Moves the cursor back to the first position of the current input field, or the first position of the previous input field if the cursor is already at the beginning of a field.

Moves the cursor one character to the left and deletes the current character (destructive backspace).

Sends the Telnet Break command.

Ctrl + ? (US)
Unit Separator

Ctrl + [ (ESC)
Escape, next character is not echoed.

Ctrl + \ (FS)
File separator.

Ctrl + ] (GS)
Group separator.

Ctrl + ~ (RS)
Record separator, block-mode terminator.

Ctrl + A (SOH)
Start of heading. This is a console interrupt.

Ctrl + B (STX)
Start of text.

Ctrl + C (ETX)
End of text.

Ctrl + D (EOT)
End of transmission.

Ctrl + E (ENQ)

Ctrl + F (ACK)
Acknowledge. Clears ENQ.

Ctrl + G (BELL)
Bell. It rings the bell.

Ctrl + H (BS)

Ctrl + I (HT)
Horizontal Tab.

Ctrl + J (LF)
Line Feed.

Ctrl + K (VT)
Vertical tab.

Ctrl + L (FF)
Form Feed, page eject.

Ctrl + M (CR)
Carriage Return.

Ctrl + N (SO)
Shift Out to an alternate character set.

Ctrl + O (SI)
Shift In to resume the default character set.

Ctrl + P (DLE)
Data Link Escape.

Ctrl + Q (DC1)
XON, with XOFF to pause listings; :okay to send.

Ctrl + R (DC2)
Device Control 2, block-mode flow control.

Ctrl + S (DC3)
XOFF and XON flow control.

Ctrl + Space (NUL)

Null character.

Ctrl + T (DC4)
Device Control 4

Ctrl + U (NAK)
Negative Acknowledgment.

Ctrl + V (SYN)
Synchronous idle.

Ctrl + W (ETB)
End transmission block.

Ctrl + X (CAN)
Cancel line.

Ctrl + Y (EM)
End of medium interrupt

Ctrl + Z (SUB)

Cursor Blink

Toggles the cursor between blinking and non-blinking.

Cursor Down
Moves the cursor down one line on the display.

Cursor Left
Moves the cursor left one position on the screen.

Cursor Right
Moves the cursor right one position on the screen.

Cursor Ruler
Toggles the cursor ruler on or off.

Cursor Up
Moves the cursor up one position on the screen.

Deletes the character at the current cursor position and shifts all characters on the right of that position one space to the left.

VT function keys.

Moves the cursor to the top left corner of the scrolling region.

Insert Here
Switches between insert and overstrike modes.

Jump A - Z

Changes focus to the specified session based on HLLAPI short name.

Jump Next Active Session

Changes focus to the next available active session. Disconnected and minimized session are not considered active and will be skipped.

Jump Next Extension

When two or more Flex Terminal Emulator Extensions are enabled, changes focus to the next available Extension. If a single Extension is enabled, gives focus to that Extension. Has no effect when there are no Extensions enabled for the workspace.

Jump Next Session
Changes focus to the next available Flex Terminal Emulator session.

Jump Previous Active Session

Changes focus to the previous available active session. Disconnected and minimized session are not considered active and will be skipped.

Jump Previous Extension

When two or more Flex Terminal Emulator Extensions are enabled, changes focus to the previous available Extension. If a single Extension is enabled, gives focus to that Extension. Has no effect when there are no Extensions enabled for the workspace.

Jump Previous Session
Changes focus to the previous available Flex Terminal Emulator session.

Line Feed
Moves the cursor to the next line on the display.

Move Selection Down

Moves the current text selection area one row down. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Move Selection Left

Moves the current text selection area one column to the left. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Move Selection Right

Moves the current text selection area one column to the right. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Move Selection Up

Moves the current text selection area one row up. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Next Screen
Displays the next page in page memory on the screen.

Numpad x
Sends the appropriate key from the numeric keypad.

PF1 - PF4
Program Function keys.

Prev Screen
Displays the previous page in page memory on the screen.

Erases the character on the current page or erases the characters in a field.

Transmits information to the host.

Switches the terminal between interactive mode and local editing mode.

Select Clear

Clears the current text selection.

Select Down

Expands the current text selection one row down. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Select Left

Expands the current text selection one column left. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Select Right

Expands the current text selection one column right. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Select Up

Expands the current text selection one row up. Does nothing if no text is selected on the screen.

Session Dock

Docks the active session to the main Workspace window in the same location it was before being undocked. If the active session is already docked, this function will be ignored.

Session Float

Undocks the active session from the main Workspace window and sets the size and position to the most recent. If the active session is already undocked, this function will be ignored.

Session Toggle Dock/Float

Combines the Dock and Float functions in a single function for toggling the state of the active session.

Moves the cursor to the first character of the next tab position.

Tabs Set

Sets a tab position.

Toggle Numeric Keypad Mode

For the numeric keypad keys, toggle between Numeric Mode and Application Mode, which sends different sequences to the host.

User F6- F20 (UDK's)
Any of the 15 keys (F6 through F20) on the top row of the keyboard for which a user has defined special functions. The host application uses UDKs to store frequently used text and commands.

Window Maximize

Sets the size of the active window to full screen.

Window Minimize

Minimizes the active window to the Windows taskbar.

Window Normal

Restores the size of the active window to the last known size prior to maximizing.

Word Select

Selects the word the cursor is currently positioned on.

Workspace Cascade

Arranges all sessions within the Workspace as overlapping tabs along the top of the session window, sorted alphabetically by HLLAPI Short Name.

Workspace Restore

Restores the Workspace to the last saved state.

Workspace Tile Horizontally

Arranges the sessions as non-overlapping horizontal tiles, sorted alphabetically by HLLAPI Short Name.

Workspace Tile Vertically

Arranges the sessions as non-overlapping vertical tiles, sorted alphabetically by HLLAPI Short Name.