The Flex Terminal Emulator status bar, which is enabled by default, displays additional information about the current host session. Optionally, the status bar may be disabled from the View ribbon tab by un-checking the Status Bar option.

The following symbols may appear on the status bar:




Secure Connection

Indicates a secure, encrypted session with the host. Clicking the lock symbol on the status bar will display details regarding the secure connection, such as protocol, cipher suite, hash and key exchange. A View Server Certificate button is also displayed which, when pressed, will display the certificate from the host.

Macro Play

Displays when a macro is actively running.

File Receive

Displays when a file transfer is downloading a file from the host.

Macro Record

Displays when a macro is in record mode.

File Send

Displays when a file transfer is sending a file to the host.

Text String

Displays when a text string is being sent to the host.

The following information may also be displayed on the status bar for each session. Toggle any of these items on/off by right-clicking the status bar:

Session Name

The name of the currently selected session, including the HLLAPI Short Name if enabled from View > Show or Hide > HLLAPI Short Name.

Session Status

Displays the state of the current session, either Disconnected or Connected to host:port, where host is the IP Address or host name and port is the TCP port number configured in Connection Setup.


Select from one of the following to display the date and or time:

  • Julian Date
  • System Date
  • Time
  • Time and Julian Date
  • Time and System Date

Note: System Date and Time are displayed based on how the Windows operating system is configured using the Short date and Short time settings. If these are not displaying as expected, you may need to adjust these in the OS from Settings > Time & language > Language & region > Regional Format > Change formats.

Resource Name

Displays the name of the resource, or logical unit (LU) of a connected session.

Caps Lock

When Caps Lock is off, the CAPS indicator is dimmed and when toggled on, it will be undimmed.

Num Lock

When Num Lock is off, the NUM indicator is dimmed and when toggled on, it will be undimmed.